Best Fitness Center Topeka |Bring a free friend
content is written for Colaw Fitness.
You will love the Best Fitness Center Topeka because we have everything you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Our facility was voted best of Topeka and we have the highest review ratings online. You have recently wanted to start exercising, then we have the best gym designed for you. We provide a beginners atmosphere here at our gym. You will enjoy our positive friendly atmosphere as soon as you walk there are doors.
We have Christian music playing over our speakers at all times of the day and night. We know finding time in the day can be hard to come to the gym so we have eliminated that problem for you. Our facility is open and staffed 24 hours of the day and night. You can come and work out at any time. There is so much you’re missing out on if you don’t visit the Best Fitness Center Topeka today. Pick up the phone and give us a call at 785 409-8823 so you can start get in the best shape of your life.
A staff member will always answer the phone. Our customer service department is eager to help you get started on your fitness journey when you call us. We would love for you to call so you can talk to our staff. You can also come to our gym and see everything we have to offer for yourself. We promise you will love our facility as soon as you step through our doors. A staff member can take you want to tour and show you all of our equipment and free things that are included in your membership. You can also visit our website for more information as well.
If you have never been to a gym before, then that is not a problem because we are the Best Fitness Center Topeka for you. We offer free trainer instruction classes included in your membership. In these classes we will teach you how to properly use all of our machines so you do not hurt yourself. Even if you have never worked out a day in your life, we will teach you everything you need to know. Our staff members love to give fitness tips and help you along your fitness journey. Our trainer instruction classes include upper body, lower body, as well as abs and cardio. You can also obtain information about our nutrition instructions.
This is included in our Colaw Fitness 30 day and diet workout program. In this class you will obtain information about a meal plan, workout guide, as well as information about protein shakes and fitness steps. Staff member will teach this class and help answer any questions while teaching you how to lose 10 to 30 pounds just in your first month. All of our members who have followed this program to a T have lost weight just in their first 30 days.
You can get abs and tone up your muscles when you use all of our fitness equipment. We offer an abundant amount of cardio equipment for you to use. This includes rowers and stairmaster machines. You can also enjoy free weights as well as jump ropes and yoga mats. All of this is available for you and your guest for free when you sign up today. You can bring a guest for free every time. It is not to be the same person. You can bring a new person every day if you would like. We know working out by yourself can be lonely, so bring a friend for free with you. They can enjoy everything in our facility just as if a member could.
Our staff members treat guest just as if they were members. Our staff love every person that comes through our doors and treats you with the respect. You will also gain access to our free private restrooms that include free private showers. We do not like that locker room feeling, so we have made it feel more like home for you. You can put all of your belongings are free lockers that we have provided for you. You can bring your own lock from home or you can purchase one at our front desk for a very low affordable price.
Our tanning area is a member favor here at the Best Fitness Center Topeka. We provide you with both laydown beds and standup beds to enjoy. You will never have to worry about you losing your summer glow. You can enjoy tan all year around when you use our tanning beds. All of our beds are very easy to use and you can find instructions and rules in each of our tanning rooms. You have to be 18 years or older to use any of our tanning beds and anything in our tanning area. Make the Best Fitness Center Topeka your one stop shop for tanning accessories. Our front desk sells everything you need to get a beautiful tan.
You can purchase full bottles of tanning lotion as well as single-use tanning lotion packets. Our tanning lotion smells amazing and will make you feel beautiful and moisturized in our tanning beds. Some of our tanning lotion include tanning accelerators as well as tanning extenders. A staff member can answer any questions about our tanning lotion. You can also purchase protective eyewear at our front desk to use in our tanning beds. Our staff care about your safety and our tanning area so purchase these at a very low affordable price. We have many colors to choose from.
You can join today for as low as one dollar down to five dollars month. Our reward membership is only five dollars a month. All you have to do is visit the Best Fitness Center Topeka 12 or more times a month to get this discounted price. You can also ask about our flat rate membership. This membership is $10 a month regardless of how many times you visit the facility. All of our memberships have no up sales and are the cheapest in town. If you have any other questions about our memberships please give us a call at 785-409-8823. You can go online and check out our website as well for more information pertaining our memberships and facility.
You can find photos of our equipment and our beautiful amazing staff as well. Don’t forget to go online and look at our member testimonial videos. Here you will find members talk about their weight loss achievements while visiting our facility. They will also tell you about their favorite thing at Colaw Fitness. Get in your car and drive on down today and see everything we have to offer for yourself. We promise you will fall in love with everything we have. Don’t waste another minute to achieve your fitness goals. We are the best gym in town and you will not regret coming in today.