Cheapest Gym in OKC | Meeting Jesus Outside the Church
This content was written for Colaw Fitness
Imagine signing up for the cheapest gym in OKC. Now imagine that it was the best decision you had made in years. Often times, we feel that we have to sacrifice quality when we pay a low price. At Colaw Fitness, we want to flip that paradigm one-hundred and eighty degrees. As a result, your experience at the cheapest gym in OKC will be better than an expensive one. Our conviction is that you are worth it. Now, when we say “it”, we mean that you are worth our love. In addition, you will experience this through our time and our attention. At Colaw Fitness, we exist to make Jesus famous and to change lives. Namely, we believe that Jesus of Nazareth truly has the power to change our lives for the better.
Although our culture tells us that we need to live our own truth. In spite of this, we believe that coming behind Jesus will be the best decision any human being can make. Admittedly, the church hasn’t always been very loving to the people of their communities. At Colaw Fitness, you will experience the love of Jesus in a way that will make you feel welcome. Proof of this is in the comparison of our employees to other gym’s employees. Our team is encourage to take time to make sure our members feel cared for. Sometimes this might even be at the expense of their own to do list. As an example, this could be praying for a member. On some occasions, our staff have even continued conversations outside of work. They do this in order to make sure our members feel that they have been heard.
Though Jesus is certainly not a self-help guru, we believe that following Him will lead to a reasonably joyful life. In the midst of the chaos occurring in our world, our goal is to be a place of peace. When you walk into Colaw Fitness, the cheapest gym in OKC, that is our desire. Therefore, we want every person that comes through our doors to feel that sense of safety. At many other gyms, intimidation is the first emotion that a new member might experience. Consequently, the hierarchy of who is more fit becomes an obvious hurdle to your own goals. In many ways, this environment makes us feel less like an image-bearing human being.
At Colaw Fitness, the barometer for worthiness is permanently set on “worthy”. Whether it is your first time in a gym or your four-hundredth, you are welcome at Colaw Fitness. This comes from a conviction that all people are made in the image of God. Therefore, all people are worthy of dignity, respect, and honor. Now, this is not a new idea. But it certainly is a new idea in the fitness industry, which is saturated with physique-focused health. As a result, you find people with six-pack abs that still haven’t resolved their nicotine addiction. As a rule, we are always looking to leave people better than when we found them. It is a decisive move towards love that we at Colaw Fitness choose to make.
In our industry, this often does look like losing fat and building muscle. However, at the cheapest gym in OKC, there is a level of soul-care that simultaneously takes place. When it comes to our members, we are concerned with physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Obviously, this takes a far greater amount of work than training up simply physical health. This is a labor of love that we take upon ourselves for the sake of all of our members. Admittedly, we are not always successful “transforming” a person into what they want to be. However, this is still a core-ethic of Colaw Fitness and we will continue to stand by that.
Many companies will fold on their moral compass when they find that it isn’t profitable anymore. They find that some of their market does not agree with their core ethics. At the expense of the soul of the company, they ditch it for higher shareholder profits. At Colaw Fitness, we have held the same conviction since day one. Our company has and always will exist to make Jesus famous and to change lives. Admittedly, this will at some point decrease the profits that we make. Whereas we could choose to reject it to make more money, we have instead held tighter. As a result, we have been considered the Chick-Fil-A of the fitness industry. Yet somehow, we are still the cheapest gym in OKC.
Therefore, if you are looking for more than just a gym you feel worse going to, Colaw Fitness might be the gym for you. This can also be said for those that are seeking employment in a place like this. There are certain qualities that people have to choose for themselves. That being said, it might not always be coachable. With this in mind, we are looking for people whose core values line up with our own. That is, that they would love the members as themselves. This is a radical notion when you consider a frustrated customer in our day and age. The call is still ultimately the same. That they would love the member as themselves. Above all, this is the main initiative of all of our staff members. We want to make sure that every person that comes through the doors feel welcome and cared for.
In conclusion, the cheapest gym in OKC has much more than you anticipated. You will not only exercise and strengthen your body. You will also strengthen your mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Therefore, even if you do not see immediate physical results, there could be much more going on unseen. If you feel that this is the place for you, check out our website for more information on memberships. From there, we would love to hear from you. You can reach us by phone at 918-766-3353. We are excited to hear from you and cannot wait to see you in our facility. Grace and peace to you.