Cheapest Gym in Topeka Kansas | 2 people under $10 a month
Content written for Colaw Fitness.
At one of the cheapest gym in Topeka Kansas we offer two types of memberships under $10 a month. If you should ever have any questions about how are memberships work Customer Service is available to answer calls Monday through Thursday 9 am to 7 pm and Fridays 9 am to 6 pm. The phone number is 785-409-8823. In the following paragraphs we will list the membership type, price, benefits, and policies.
At one of the cheapest gym in Topeka Kansas we strive to have the lowest price possible for our members. If you see another gym with cheaper prices feel free to contact Customer Service so we can follow up to make sure we offer the lowest prices around. We want our members to be successful in meeting their goals without breaking the bank.
The most popular membership we have is the $5 Reward Membership. At one of the cheapest gyms in Kansas the sign up cost for this membership is just $1.00 plus tax. The monthly fee for this membership is $18.00 plus tax per month; however, we reward our members if they can go to the gym at least 12 separate days out of the month we will only bill $5.00 plus tax. That is incredible!
There is a one time a year annual fee of $39.00 plus tax that we charge 30 days from the day that you sign up and then on every anniversary date as long as you are a member. One of the reasons we charge this is to keep the monthly fees low but still able to do up-keep on our equipment and make sure we have excellent staff to help our members. We strive to be the Cheapest gym in Topeka Kansas.
We also offer a flat rate membership for people that are not sure if they can make the 12 separate days a month. This membership has a start up cost of $39.00 plus tax. The monthly fee regardless of attendance is $10.00 plus tax. We wait till 60 days later to charge the annual fee so there is not so much money due so close together. Again, we strive to be the cheapest gym in Topeka Kansas!
All of our memberships are risk free. If you find out with in the first 30 days our club does not meet your needs we just ask that you fill out a cancellation form and if any fees have been charged they will be refunded. Colaw Fitness allows members to cancel at anytime as well. If you feel like you need to cancel for what ever reason you may call customer service and they will email you a form that you can email back or you can ask for a cancellation form at the front desk. We can not close accounts with an open balance, however our excellent customer service department can work out payment plans so we can get you current to have your membership active or cancel if needed.
All memberships are ongoing until you cancel them. If you have been a member and made 12 monthly payments there will not be a cancel fee. If you need to cancel prior to 12 monthly payments there is a cancel fee of $39.00 plus tax that will be owed once the cancel form is returned. At one of the cheapest gyms in Kansas we do not hide any of our fees to the members and everything is noted on the paper signed when you initially sign up. If any member would like a copy of their membership document we can also provide that with a simple phone call to Customer Service at 785-409-8823 Monday-Thursday 9 am to 7 pm and Friday 9 am to 6 pm.
With both of our memberships you are able to bring a friend to work out with you for free. As long as the person is at least 12 years of age and the member IS in the building the same time as the guest, then you basically have two memberships for one price. That is amazing! From what our members say they love this feature because they don’t have to work out by themselves. Everyone needs someone to motivate them to achieve success.
The Guest would have the same access as a normal member as long as the current member is active and current with their membership. That means that guests can tan, get a massage, go to classes, use any of our machines and access to the showers and lockers. As long as the guest is at least 12 years of age they may come to work out.
At one of the cheapest gym in Topeka Kansas we always listen to our members. Suggestions for any changes or upgrades are always welcomed. We are consistently running new membership sign ups. The most popular promotion we run would be 3 months free. We only do this certain times out of the month. There is also one night a month were we provide giveaways, food and opportunities for members to get a full free year membership.
Want to know how you can get a free membership at one of the cheapest gyms in Kansas? The first Monday of every month at the club from 4 pm to 8 pm we have MEMBER APPRECIATION NIGHT. We offer free food and if current members can bring at least 3 new members to sign up on appreciation night and they put your name on their sign up page you will receive a free year membership.
With our low prices, and several incentives I would recommend that you try out Colaw Fitness at one of the Cheapest Gym in Topeka Kansas. There is no risk and our staff is friendly and helpful. We look forward to meeting you and you enjoying all that we have to offer.
If you should have any questions in regards to your memberships, payments, cancellations or anything else. Feel free to call our Customer Service Department Monday through Thursday 9 am to 7 pm and Friday 9 am to 6 pm at 785-409-8823.