Joplin Gyms | Nykol lost 14 lbs | Colaw Fitness Joplin Testimonial
Hey there, this is Charles Colaw and Amber Colaw. Today, we’re going to give you a win of the week and the winner of the week is no coal. The coal she has lost 14 pounds, 14 [inaudible] she’s lost 14 pounds in just two to three months.
So she’s having great results. She absolutely loves the atmosphere, loves the staff, watch her video at the end. She’s got a great video. So, um, Amber is also going to give us a notable. Yeah,
This is great. Proverbs 11:25, a generous person will prosper. Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Be generous, go encourage others. Yep. Have a great day.
Well guys, we’ll see you guys next week. Have a blessed week. Check out our staff next with our staff. If you got a win of the week, if you’ve lost weight, got in better shape, check with him and leave. Love to showcase you guys as well. The week of bless bye-bye bye-bye
Judgemental, um, the price, the training that you get, the free trainers you can come in and have fun. So far. I am 10 inches altogether. I went down five pants sizes, and I’m down 14 pounds since March 1st. [inaudible].
Joplin Gyms
The best value of all Joplin gyms is found at Colaw Fitness with all inclusive memberships for as low as $1 down and $5 a month.