Most Affordable Gym In Bartlesville | Totally feeling it at Colaw Fitness
Content written for Colaw Fitness.
Just in case you are wondering who the most affordable gym in Bartlesville is, Colaw Fitness of Bartlesville 918-331-0404 claims the title. We’ve got a large amount of extremely positive things going on at Colaw Fitness. We know how important fitness is to everyone. We have set down and come up with a offer that is nothing short of amazing. It appeals to every income class that exists. We didn’t want anyone falling through the cracks because they couldn’t afford membership fees at a fitness center.
Colaw Fitness is the most affordable gym in Bartlesville or the entire area for that matter. You can be a full member for as little as one dollar down and as low as five dollars per month. Your membership will give you 24/7 access to our award-winning fitness facility. There are no long-term contracts necessary. We offer a no risk 30 day moneyback guarantee to ensure total satisfaction.
We’re the top rated gym in Bartlesville for over 10 years running. We are also the highest rated and most reviewed fitness facility in the area. These are some significant statements that we would be happy to visit with you about any time. We are a Christian fitness facility and we follow biblical principles in every aspect of our business. Colaw Fitness is in the business of building people up and helping them to succeed.
The all inclusive membership implies that all benefits offered at Colaw Fitness are included in every membership. You will see a lot of other gyms operating out of the tiered system. The lowest tier or the cheapest tier is often offered with very minimal benefits. To increase the benefits they require a higher payment. A Colaw Fitness you pay membership fees and you enjoy unlimited benefits. Now that is what we call value. This value will certainly sectors into quite we are the most affordable gym in Bartlesville.
Here are some of our all-inclusive benefits. We offer free unlimited tanning 24/7. Are tanning are very modern and current. We routinely observe them for anything out of the ordinary. We provide cleaning supplies to help with sanitary conditions. It is not recommended to tan more than once a day but choice really belongs to the individual.
We offer free massage chairs and free Hydra massage beds. These are located in the massage area. This recently updated to provide a more relaxing environment. The massage area is very popular in it is a great way to wind down after a difficult workout. You can see why were the most affordable gym in Bartlesville. We offer free trainer instruction as well as free nutritional instruction. Free lockers, private dressing rooms, and private restrooms.
We have and immaculately cleaned facility. You can bring a friend for free. This is also very popular and is a great way to take advantage of a 2-for-1 membership. There are no limits for friend visits or number of benefits. We offer free Wi-Fi in a huge selection of big screen HD TVs for our members viewing pleasure. Free access to the CF – 30 program that guarantees results if followed correctly.
We are also incredibly appreciative of all of our members here at Colaw Fitness. To show our appreciation we have a member appreciation night once a month. Colaw Fitness purchases all-you-can-eat pizza. It’s a great night of food, fun, and fellowship. It is also the night that we offer a substantial reward. Anyone facilitating the signing up of three new memberships on membership night receives the award.
The award is a one full year’s membership at Colaw Fitness. We love to show appreciation to our members. Just a reminder that you are grading information will about the most affordable gym in Bartlesville. It’s hard to think that we are competing and winning with low membership costs when we offer so much.
The above listed benefits and our ability to offer the best in exercise equipment are definitely assets. A great building with plenty of room and easy access would also need to be mentioned in the tangible assets of Colaw Fitness. These are fantastic and wonderful but what makes Colaw Fitness special are the intangible assets available. We are talking about providing our members with the most amazing staff and service around.
Our staff is dedicated to improving the lives of our members because they care. Because they share the mission of Colaw Fitness. You will always be greeted when coming inside. Our staff members will take the time to get to know you and encourage you. Consistent motivation is something that we all need in our quest for fitness achievement. Why still happens outside of the gym and we still choose to stay the course and exercise as planned.
There are a huge number of advantages to exercise. One of the most prominent is stress relief. This is paramount in most people’s lives. There are just days when it’s everything we can do to make it to the gym. This is when you can rely on the staff of Colaw Fitness to help you motivate and get in the right frame of mind to not only complete your exercise but to intentionally push yourself beyond perceived limits. We also have an amazing atmosphere as a result of our staff’s investing positive and uplifting energy.
Our members enjoy the positively charged environment and member interaction 24/7. We also play positive uplifting Christian music. Our music is always uplifting.
Colaw Fitness of Bartlesville 918-331-0404 is without a doubt the most affordable gym in Bartlesville. Please give us a call with any questions or concerns during regular business hours. If you are needing information after-hours please check Colaw There is a wealth of information readily available here from a list of all-inclusive benefits to photographs of member appreciation.
You will find testimonies and video testimonials of successful goal achievements. You will find a lot of them. These are real people achieving real results through real work and real discipline therefore nothing fake or exaggerated just real talk. If you are seriously wanting to inquire, we do invite you to call us and set up an appointment for a free tour. You can see for yourself firsthand what it is like inside Colaw Fitness. We hope you make a Colaw Fitness decision and if not at least you will have received information.