THE BEST 10 Gyms in Arlington TX | Colaw Fitness Podcast #45
Hey, this is Charles and Amber Colaw. Today we’re going to give you a fitness tip, Amber, or give us the fitness tip. Okay, well you tell us the question is how long do we rest between sets when strength training, how long do you rest between sets when you’re doing weightlifting or strength training? Well, since strength training is supposed to be a non aerobic exercise, that means that your breathing is not your limiting factor.
So it’s mainly the weight is hard enough that you fail because of the weight, not because the cardiovascular element limits you. Um, uh, anything that when you do a set and if your breathing will return to norm or normal and your heart rate returns to normal, then you can progress into the next set. Most of the time with like upper body exercises like arms that are smaller, it’s like about 30 seconds to a minute.
If you have a bigger muscle group, like a squat or dead list, and you do lots of reps that said total body exercise, so you can take two to three minutes to fully recover from that exercise. So the time is a little more variable, but you want your breathing to return to normal, which is a sign that your heart rate has also returned to normal before you go into the next set of exercise.
And that’s gonna make it mainly a weight training, a weight limiting restriction, which is not an aerobic or heart and aerobic breathing, uh, restriction. Um, so that would be the amount of time to rest. So anywhere from 30 seconds to maybe two minutes between a, a strength training set. And that’s the fitness tips, right? So, yeah, the Charles and Amber Colaw, you have a blessed week.
Colaw Fitness ranks at the top of the best 10 gyms in Arlington TX. Come visit our fitness center today to see all the benefits of our low as $5 a month membership.