Weight Loss Bartlesville | How did Cassie lose 27 lbs? | Colaw Fitness
Hi, this is Charles Colaw and Amber Colaw with Colaw Fitness. We’re here today to talk to you about the win of the week. So amber, you started us off with the win of the week. Cassie is our win of the week today. She has lost 27 pounds and 15 inches. 27 pounds weight loss Bartlesville. All right. And then next we’re going to talk to you about is a fitness tip.
Our fitness tips or our fitness tip for the week. Is that, did you know that 70 to 80% of what you look like and what you look and see in the mirror is your diet. What’s your eating? So we want to make sure that you fully understand what to eat, what times do you eat. How much water to drink, and how to follow a plan to get the results. Just like Cassie because Cassie was like, she had lost weight by eating better and also by exercising.
And so when you combine the two, you get a compounding effect. Uh, back in high school was over 300 pounds and I lost 83 pounds. Weight loss Bartlesville by eating better and exercising with the trainer. Had a guy, give me an idiot proof nutritional plan to follow. Because needed a template to follow and it helped me lose 83 pounds. So Cassie done an awesome job. I’m going to show her testimony and just a second here but also want to give a notable quotable and tell Amber. Give us the notable quotable for the week. Okay.
The notable quotable is proverbs 13:20 walk with the wise and become wiser for a companion of fools suffers harm. And that verse to me is one of my very, very favorite verses walk with the wise and you become wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. So you become what you’re around and if you want to lose weight and get in shape, come around positive, upbeat and motivated people.
At Colaw Fitness, our staff is trained to be super friendly, super outgoing and make sure you have all the tools to lose weight and get in shape. So walk with the wise and be wise. A companion of fools suffers harm. If you have negative people in your life, they don’t really want to eat good. They don’t want to exercise because it is not easy. They aren’t focused on health and wellness.
You’re missing out. So come eat better. Exercise, get in great shape. Come see us at Colaw Fitness. Um, so our action steps for you today, this is where we kind of pulled together. The action step is going to be to sign up today. You can do $1 down and as low as $5 a month. There’s a money back guarantee because there are no risks. We’ll give you your dollar back. There’s no risk and you can attend for a full month. The free CF trainer, that’s a CF 30 trainer program.
This is where you work out with the trainer. They show you how to use all the exercise, how to eat the food. They give you idiot proof, nutritional plans to follow and workout program to follow $1 down, $5 a month. You can come in and try it out, check it out because always available. If it’s not a good fit for you, you get your money back. You can also lose a lot of weight for as low as $1 down, $5 a month. You get in great shape, best shape of your life. So listen to Cassie’s testimony and see her results.
We do want to see you at Colaw Fitness, so thank you. Congratulations, Cassie. For the win of the week.
Cassie Lloyd… Clean environment, it’s very polite. Everybody just minds their own business and works out the machines. A lot of things in the weight loss and a wonderful. It’s just wonderful here. I have lost 27 pounds and 15 inches. Weight loss Bartlesville by changing my diet and exercise almost every day.