Episode 104 - 7 Bodybuilding Tips

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Hello, this is Charles Colaw on the, you can do this podcast with Colaw fitness. And today I’m going to talk about seven bodybuilding tips, seven bodybuilding tips to the problem is a lot of men or women that are wanting to get in shape and, and build muscle and get into either bodybuilding or either just build a better body is body building is always necessary competitive, but to build a better body, have to stimulate those muscles to grow.

You got to fuel the right foods. And so we want to do is kind of educate you on the top seven body golden tips, or at least seven bodybuilding tips that I came up with. I went through an article a really neat article written by Andrew Hef, heifer, heifer, Nat Heffernan, and he’s a, a trainer out in California and he basically goes through this article writes this article and I’m going to go through it with you and give you my take.

But he goes through what are the main components that cause muscle to build and, and to basically be to be a better body builder. And so without further ado, I’m going to go into that. So first off, this is going to be the seven bodybuilding tips podcast. And the first main things to be addressing in this article is it, he talks about anytime you’re doing bodybuilding or building muscle, the main thing is building muscle.

So anybody that’s interested in building some more muscle mass is going to benefit from this article. And even, even if you’re not wanting to get real big, but you just want to tone up more. This is also very beneficial to see the main factors for effecting muscle growth. There’s three key things that he talks about. And I do agree with these three things it’s called mechanical tension, muscle damage and metabolic stress.

And I’m going to go through each one of those mechanical tension is basically your muscles. Don’t he rewrites in here. Muscles don’t grow unless you need to overcome a resistance. And to a point, the harder you need to contract them, the greater mechanical tension is occurring. So whenever you’re lifting a weight, the mechanical tension of those fibers has to increase resulting this results in growth stimulus.

It is a use. It is it’s a, he says it it’s the use it or lose it principle. It’s a use it or lose it principle. The most effective way to do that is grab a weight or resistance band and have it and have at it re research suggests that mechanical tension disturbs the integrity of the muscle, triggering a series of changes that ultimately results in an increase in increases and not size, but contractile strength, power, and general heavier weight.

You can lift with good form, the more tension you’re going to produce and the more it will grow. So my take on that is basically the heavier, the weight, the heavier, the resistance band, the heavier, the weight load on it, cable machine or whatever with good form, the more that muscle tension is going to increase that increase, stimulates those muscles and that stimulation that occurs all of those cascading events, whether it’s to cause muscle growth to occur.

The second component he talks about is muscle damage. Okay. It sounds, sounds bad, but muscle damage. So I’ve talked about on previous podcasts with that increased tension, first, your mechanical tension goes up. The next thing that occurs is the muscle damage is occurring. What happens is, is he talks about, and I’ve talked about before microtrauma, as we called it, I call it micro micro tears in the muscle.

It’s, it’s small, teeny tiny cares that caused those fibers. And that is that he writes the microtrauma to the muscle and connective tissue. That’s a natural consequence of resistance training. He says it then research shows that East centric movement Loreen Loreen the weight or where the, where the weight load would be. It requires the muscle, the length, and under tension produces a greater microtrauma than the contracting or the moving the weight load back up.

Kind of like the muscle elongates out that’s the East Cindrich. And then the concentric is where it comes back together. But the lowering of the muscle actually creates more muscle damage. So that within itself is letting you know that the more you focus on controlling and really slowing down that resistance of the East centric motion is going to create more muscle stimulation.

So in this sort of continues to say so the muscle damage is occurring primarily when you actually not lift the weight, but the controlling the muscle through the starting position, you know, like where you started the needle along the, the muscle, and then you bring it back to the start again.

But the, the East centric motion creates the most muscle damage. Okay. Next component talks about metabolic stress, metabolic stress. This is this is where you get that deep burn in the muscles after sprinting, or maybe a lot of times people that do leg extensions, you’ll feel it in your quads, you extended to, to Nixon. And it starts to really burn and people like, Oh my goodness.

You know, it’s like right by your knees, the muscles right around your knees, that’s on the leg extension that’s causing what they call metabolic stress, which is an accumulation of waste products of anaerobic energy production. He talks about it also can be a powerful stimulus for adaption at muscle adaptation.

This is muscle growth. So then when you can create that burn, create that that cascade of metabolic stress in that tissue, it basically irritates it and causes a cascade of things that occur, which causes like that hypertrophic or muscle building effect.

He goes on. If you want to maximize metabolic, he goes, want to mask to metabolic stress question Mark, do moderate duration, high intensity activities that cause the burning and the muscle think about 45 seconds of max Thea, think 45 seconds of max effort, body weight, squats to presses, or a lunge to curls or 30 seconds of max effort sprinting.

So this is where, what you want to do is you’re not using is heavy as you can go, but you’re just really like repping it out till it burns like crazy, then keep going into that burn and that’s causing that metabolic stress to occur. So that’s the three different components for the stimulation of muscle growth to occur. And I’m going to talk about the seven key things. That’s going to be doing these three so that you can be successful for bodybuilding or building more muscle.

So all of it sounds confusing somewhat if you’re new to all of this, but what you are doing is the more you basically stimulate those muscles, the more that your body’s going to adapt to recover and rebuild bigger and stronger. I always will. I I’ve used another podcast. The, the, the example of digging the ditch when I was a kid, I worked at a farm and I dig a ditch and eventually get like my skin would get really sore and eventually get blisters.

And after, you know, a couple of weeks of working, I, the skin actually gets thicker and develops like a, like a callous, like a tougher skin. So your body, God has made her body to do an extraordinary thing that when you stimulate that body, it will basically produce what it needs to recover and rebuild bigger, stronger, and better than before.

And so working out, you create creating that tension to the muscle, through that mechanical tension. Those three components, metabolic stress and muscle damage, mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress. All of those three things create that stimulation to the muscle causing it to grow. And the way you can do that is to through these seven key things. So first one is keeping, keep challenging your muscles.

This is where by doing that, you’re going to be doing more reps than you normally do that stimulates more muscle lifting faster can basically challenge your muscles. So for example, a lot of my best growth when I was bodybuilding was. Where I would bring a four count on the East centric where I lower the weight. So that’s a bicep curl.

So if I’m bringing the bicep the, the, the, the, the the, the hand straight out straightened in the handout. I’d go down on the four count one, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1000. Then I’d lift as fast as I can back to that starting position. And then go one, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1000, it was extremely effective had getting the sore.

But yet I didn’t have to use a ton of weight. And the risk of injury was low. And it really did create a lot of muscle tension, a lot of muscle stimulation, and cause that muscle to grow better. So it’s a very controlled way to create a lot of mechanical tension and a lot of muscle stimulation.

So he talks about lifting the reps faster. It’s slower on the East centric by quite a bit and fast on the concentrator and meet, just changing out my normal rep schemes to that did create a lot of better results.

So next under the number one component, talking about keep challenging your muscles. He talks about reducing the rest periods between sets and by doing this, you’re going to give your, you know, your body doesn’t have as much time to recover. And the pump, the muscle pump, the Mo all the blood in the muscle, does it have so much time to dissipate back out? So that’s going to create more stimulus to it.

And then also reducing rest periods can also do some of the opposite of what, but also can help with creating muscle growth because you’re allowing the nutrients back in the muscle, the muscle fully recovers, what they called glycogen. That’s the energy in the muscle. And then you can lift hard again. So Lifting faster, I’m sorry, reducing rest period,

Or speeding up rest periods. Those types of ways can stimulate muscle growth as well in your arsenal, like tools on a tool belt, he can try different methods. And the goal is, is, like I said, to stimulate the muscles that you feel. Not, not lift heavy weights or not risk injury in joints or anything like that, but stimulate don’t annihilate the body. But stimulate the muscle and get a lot of blood in there.

And you’re gonna create that muscle tension, mechanical stress to that muscle. And then you’re going to get more growth out of it. So thanks. It says, alternating your grip. It also talks about progressing to a tougher variation of exercises, such as a declined push-up instead of the classic version of a pushup. So just challenging yourself, challenging the muscles more reps, more sets, less rest periods, all that kind of stuff, alternative.

And your grip about challenging your muscles in ways. This is all where you could still be doing the same workout routine, but just challenging your muscles differently by doing more reps lifting faster or slower on the East centric faster on the concentric, reducing rest periods, alternating grip.

And then so on that, those are great approaches. Okay. That’s number one. Out of the seven, number two out of the seven talks about doing multiple sets. So multiple set, I’m doing multiple set, like instead of a single set, like do have set rest, you know, two, three minutes do a single set rest two, three minutes. This is where it’s talking about like doing what I would call like giant sets or super sets.

It’s where you lift, and then you immediately do another set of something else and another set of something else. And study suggest that he, where he writes in here, the one set to fail your approach, doing a single set all out on an extra instead of multiple ones has long been popular time-saving strategy among bodybuilders.

A recent studies suggest that it can be effective for building muscle, but research, including this study, comparing lifters who performed just one set per exercise with those who performed three or five sets suggests that in general sets when for muscle building.

So I’m sorry. I was, it’s not giants. It’s multiple sets of saying you need to be doing like, like three or four sets or five sets to cause more hypertrophy. Multiple sets in this article, he’s talking about create more stimulus. And I do agree with that. I’m sorry. It was not talking about giant sets or multiple exercises. He was talking about doing multiple sets, as opposed to a single set. I’ve never been a fan of single sets.

I don’t really see a lot of people doing single sets. So I don’t really think that should be on there, but I mean, I do agree you need to be doing multiple sets to really stimulate the muscle. I think three to four working sets is plenty to create good muscle stimulation, as long as you really are truly pushing yourselves on each one of those working sets.

So you might do a warmup set and then three to four working sets with a total of five sets. So yes, doing multiple sets. That’s a total I agree with. And then the number three component, he talks about his lifting beyond the hypertrophy rep range. Now hypertrophy means high hypertrophies is probably the proper way to set is where the muscle builds and grows. So the muscle building type that’s a term for building muscle hypertrophy.

Atrophy is where muscles waste away hypertrophy is where muscles DRO. The hypertrophy phase is generally between like eight and 12 repetitions, maybe 15 repetitions in this article. It talks about there’s a lot of people that have gone way up in reps like 25 reps and so on had built really good muscle. So if you’re traditional the lifting and this eight to 12 rep range, you’re kind of stuck.

You can try some really, really high rep, push yourself a lot harder in volume. This is just more, more and more reps, 2025 set 2025 repetitions within that set. And is where I say, I do a tricep tricep push down, you know, cable push down. So I’m pushing, you know, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13. And I, and I finished, it was 12, 12, 13, 14 reps. Well, maybe switch it up, drop it by about 20% and then do 25 reps really burn it like crazy, like literally rep like 10 to 15 reps after the burn starts.

So you’re barely still completing form decent form on those tricep extensions. And you’ll see a lot more blood in the muscle, a lot more stimulation to the muscle. Like I said, the goal is, is stimulating those muscles, get a lot of blood in there using enough weight that creates that mechanical tension, the microfiber tares in the muscle.

So then the body will then create a defensive response to recover and rebuild bigger and stronger. The bottom line is that he writes to optimize muscular adaptation, strength training should include a variation of rep ranges in your training program is what he wrote. I’m a big proponent of keeping things simple and the same, but if you’re bodybuilding, you’re pretty diligent on being on a set routine.

So this is where maybe you’re doing like most people that are beginner lifters. They just have a hard time, you know, mastering their emotions and sticking to a set time to go. Like there’s just so much going on in their life. It’s not a priority to be as consistent. So first thing is I work on consistency and after they’re consistent and they’ve done that for a while, then you can start working out with higher, lower rep schemes w dropping back the rest periods.

And that within itself is stimulating that muscle tissue. So number four component he talks about is doing both split and full body training, doing both split and full body training. He’s like, he goes into this saying like, this is like full body would be go to the best gym Topeka and you work like muscle groups, head to toe, like legs and abs and back and shoulders and traps and chest and arms everything on the same day.

I am not as big a proponent on that. Like really picking apart the body and doing body part splits. I have done full body training before, and I believe it’s a great workout for. Burning and calories and just general fitness and functional fitness for sure, like daily functional things, full body exercise. So I believe that it’s good to do some, but if you’re really trying to bodybuilding, I would do body part splits.

And then like once or twice a week, you can do a full body training you know, exercise a routine, you know, with, with some total body stuff. So I think that would be fine, but I would stick with your body part splits. I’ve done both. I feel like the body’s Bart splits really focus on each and every muscle group really specifically on its own day.

Okay. Number five, rest more. This is where he goes on talking about shorter rest periods have their place, but the goal is muscular strength, not as much endurance.

So if you’re w if you’re wanting to get stronger you’re going to have to rest a little bit longer to let the energy in the muscle is called glycogen recover. And so, you know, if you’re really focused on just weight loss and fat loss, you can have, you know, short rest periods.

If you want to really start really putting on some more muscle and strength, you might need a rest the longer. So like a lot of guys that are just leaning out, you can do 60 seconds between each set, like do arm curls, rest 60 seconds to do another set arm curls, rest 60 seconds. Now, if you really want to put on muscle mass and size, you may need to rest two to three minutes to get that mechanical tension, to really get those type two muscle fibers to really engage.

And so, by doing that, you’re going to have to go a little heavier and weight rest about two minutes, instead of just one minute, that’s going to let your glycogen recover in the muscle, the energy in the muscle. And so play with that. You can see that you’ll get a little more sore. Maybe some weeks you do shorter periods of 62nd rest periods where you just catch your breath some weeks.

We’ll do another three minutes of rest periods who totally catch your breath. All the muscle strength is completely back, and you kind of chase a little bit heavier weights and get some more a fast Twitch muscle fibers engaged. So that kind of thing is, is another great method to use. Number six, it says Weight lifting to absolute failure, avoid lifting to absolute failure. Now, this is where they talk about your training to failure all the time.

It can be really hard on your body. Also, it can be dangerous on your joints and the muscle and ligaments. So if you’re training super hard all the time, you’re, you’re putting yourself kind of like running your car into the red line all the time. So with train, if you know, you’ve kind an achy or elbows hurt, your knees hurt your low back hurts.

You’ve been trained to fail your for a long time, start leaving or repre two on the table and just kind of go for a pup and then stopping before you feel like your body’s just at complete failure for each set. That’s another great way to kind of have active recovery lifting, especially if you’ve been slightly over-training.

So that’s another method. Number six, avoid lifting to absolute failure, leave a repor set in the tank, let your joints rest at your ligaments rest. Let your, especially, like I said, this is if you’re kind of an overtrain or like you’re training super, super hard. I have a tendency like overtrain actually probably get bigger. And stronger if I took more rest days and also left a few reps on the table. I just am so driven. I want to push myself.

So listen to your body. It’ll tell you seven. It says experiment. You know, this is where a lot of different techniques have worked different for lots of different people. These are just tools on the tool belt to try. I think the big goal is as you want to stimulate muscle tissue. So if your joints are hurting and so on, lightened it up really focused on high rep pump, short rest periods. If your joints

Are really good, go a little heavier, you know, you can try that, give it a longer rest periods. So that’s your Mo what muscle glycogen recover and then do some heavier weight. If you know your, if you have training splits where you have a day or two off, and your body’s really recovered well, you can also train harder and heavier than if you’re training everyday. I have a tendency like to train every day.

Even if it’s just active recovery days, just cause I like the consistency of going to a best gym Topeka, getting my routine in kind of keeps my head straight. So those are the seven components for body building tips. Let me go through them real quick. First things to remember Mo mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress.

Those are all ways to stimulate your muscles to grow. And that’s in the beginning when we talked, the seven key components that are backed by science is number one is you got to keep challenging your muscles.

You’ve got to stimulate them. Okay. [inaudible] either doing more reps lifting faster or slower, reducing rest periods or speeding at rest periods, alternating your grip, changing your hand, grips your foot placement, that kind of stuff on presses and squats. And then always trying to progress to a tougher variation on a muscle exercise. If you’re doing chest maybe you change your elbows or your shoulder.

You want to just focus on muscle tension, time under tension and really focusing on those muscles, really working contracting and being stimulated. So number one is keep challenging your muscles. Number two is you want to be doing multiple sets. This is lots of reps and sets getting that volume in there.

Some of it’s heavier and some of it may just go for a pump, but stimulating that with multiple sets three or four working sets as a must, maybe even five working sets, okay. Three lift beyond the hypertrophy phase. That’s eight to 12 reps. So sometimes rep it out, really rip it out to 20 or 30, really et a crazy pump. That makes sense. So that’s another great way to stimulate that muscle tissue.

Number four do both full body and split training. This is where like chest and Tris. One day back in buys one day, shoulders traps, one day quads, hams calves one day. So a lot of people will split those up. It is good to just throw one full body type training day in there. So try that, do your body splits and then do like one full body train day. Try that resting more.

This is where when you’re lifting weights, instead of resting just 60 seconds between each set, try to rest two to three minutes so that your energy and the muscles have complete time to recover from the glycogen or that stored energy back in the muscle. And you can lift heavy again, avoid lifting to absolute failure.

So sometimes your joints may be bothering you or your train to failure a lot on a regular basis, spend a week or two, just leaving two or three in the tank. And you might see some really good muscle growth. I know I have, cause I’ve been an over trainer for years. And then I kind of kind of back off and actually grow kinda like it’s like, I’m doing a joke, workout like a pansy pump workout.

This isn’t even hard. And then I actually get growth because I just been over-training seven experiment, try things out variation with reps and sets for Asian with time was rep rest between reps and sets, hand placement feet placement on exercises. But the goal is you stimulate the muscles and then you start feeling like you’re over-training or your joints hurt your bodies. They can leaving some off on the tank.

Remember your body has to be healthy to want to build muscle. You got to make your body healthy. So those are the seven bodybuilding tips for building muscle. Remember that 78% of your success is in the kitchen. So be eating your planned meals, prep your food the night before, plan your food and night before and then execute the next day. Best results are when people are consistent.

So be consistent. And for any of you, people that haven’t ever worked out before, I encourage you to follow the [inaudible] book, we have to see a 30 book at the front counter at old fitness clubs. It’s a very, very simple to follow three-day book that I help you with for your first three days of starting working out, it gives you a diet and workout plan. You’re going to lose fat and gain muscle very quickly. It’s not for sissies.

And if you do it, you will be very happy that you did. Action steps, join Colaw fitness go to the free trainer classes. That’s number two. Number three is start to see a 30 class or see a 30 book if you’ve never been working out before, or if you’re a veteran and you’re listening to this cause your body voter wanting to build more muscle and start following those principles.

The seven principles we just talked about, I encourage you to not believe me, go to Google and type in Colaw fitness, Google reviews, Colaw fitness, Google reviews, or just go to Google and type in Colaw fitness reviews read all of our thousands and thousands of reviews, multiple States, multiple clubs, all across several different States. And read about us, learn about us, learn about our culture and that people are losing weight and getting in shape.

Pulling a lot of these principles go to YouTube. Also don’t believe me, just check out YouTube type in Colaw fitness reviews. See a lot of people that are losing weight, building muscle and loving the atmosphere at Colaw. And as thanks for listening to this podcast, this was the seven bodybuilding tips for building muscle. You guys have a blessed day. We’ll talk to you soon. Bye-Bye.

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