Episode 43 - How to be a great leader

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Welcome to the, you can do this podcast with Charles Colaw on the daily podcast that provides you with the proven path to fat loss and total body transformation. Get ready because you’re about to enter the, you can do this podcast. Hey, there are superstars. This is Charles Colaw on the, you can do this podcast fast.

And today I’m going to talk to you about how to be a great leader. See, the problem is is anyone can lead, but not everyone can be a great leader. And what I want to talk to you about today is how that you can wrap some simple principles and a framework around what makes really great leaders. And a lot of people want to be a great leader, but it’s hard to be a great leader. And a part of my job is to help others on the Colaw fitness team and leadership team and management and team leads and so on throughout our organization become great leaders.

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You can do this podcast

So without further ado, I’m going to introduce you to the man called Jack Welch. Now he’s not here with me, but I’ve gone through his book called winning. And Jack Welch is the chairman and CEO or the former chairman and CEO of general electric between 1981 to 2001.

So for 20 years, Jack Rouch Welch ran this giant company called general electric and it’s basically bunches of bunches of different companies that he would put great leaders to run different organizations. And he grew general electric during that time by 4000%. So this guy was a CEO of CEOs of many, many different organizations within the big business conglomerate called general electric. He was known by Forbes magazine as being the CEO of CEOs and perhaps the best CEO of all time.

So I want you to understand what he used. He used a very simple framework to evaluate talent and how to teach people to become great leaders. With Amber and I, we’ve taken our leadership team through the Jack Welch winning book in the past. And given that information to our managers and train that into some of our systems and the four E’s and a P framework is a excellent framework on, you know, really what makes people drawn to other people.

What makes people want to be led by a certain individual. So it’s basically creating great followers, great people that want to become like you because of your positivity, your outlook, your attitude on life. So this is the Jack Welch for ease and a P framework. So first off, Jack Welch would talk about if you want to be a great leader, you need to number one on the four easy. These are four different areas. One is energy and that’s basically the energy to go, go, go on to gyms in Oklahoma City today.

Another one is energized. It’s to be the ability to walk into a room and get others rubbed up and get them going. And edge it means to have the courage to make tough decisions on yes, no decisions quickly and efficiently to have communicate without taking somebody hostage. That gets to the point and coaches people up quickly and then execute.

Making sure you get all your action items done on a daily basis. And then the P, the four E’s are those four. And the P is passion, gobs and gobs. A passion, passion about your company, passionate about life, passion about others. And so on. So these four E’s and APY are what really draw others to great leaders. So I’m gonna walk you through it. I’ve read the book.

A lot of this information is directly from the book, so I’m going to read some of these parts of this to you and that will help you kind of create your mind to kind of think about each principle and then kind of personally evaluate yourself on, am I actually afford ease in a P leader? This is the type of people he would pick. He had to have these four E’s and a P for sure.

The first two are a must. That’s energy and energize. If you don’t have a lot of energy, you can’t energize others, you really can’t be a great leader. So those are the first two minute deep dive into that at the very end to make sure you guys really start working on energy and energized. And then edge is communicating and then execute. Making sure you getting your stuff done and then just being a passionate person, but all that kind of stuff.

These are things we’re going to learn today. And first off I’m going to talk about deep dive into the first component. Energy. Energy is the ability to go, go, go and thrive on action and relish on change. People with positive energy are generally extroverted and optimistic. They have conversations and friends easily. They like to talk. They’re mainly extrovert. There are people who don’t complain about working ever.

They rare, they love to work, they actually love working, they love conversation, they love working hard. I love putting in long hours. They also love to play and they overall just really love life. So ask yourself, do I bring energy as a manager, team, lead team player all day long? Do I bring energy as a manager, team lead assistant manager all day long? Okay, so energy is the ability to energize yourself to go, go, go.

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This is really what I, I talked about. It’s more personal energy is can you muster up energy to take executive control over your own emotions that kind of derail you and just stay positive for your own self every day? That is something you have to master in personal mastery of yourself as being a high energy person, to coach yourself quickly through your emotions. Stay positive throughout the day.

Go, go, go. And never really complained. That’s the first component of a great leader. It’s called energy. Okay? Second component is to energize, energize as basically you’re walking into a room. This is the ability to get others revved up. People who energize can inspire their team and take on the impossible and enjoy doing it. It’s the ability to energize. It’s a parent, it’s a parent. It’s very easily to see in someone and an in depth knowledge of their business.

So they know, they like people want to be led by people that clearly know a lot about their business, a lot about what they’re doing. And, and it sets a powerful, poor personal example and a strong purr and they don’t have a strong persuasion skills like again, persuade others to kind of find out. Like, I know a lot about the fitness industry.

I’m gonna tell you about it. I’m super passionate about it. I’m going to energize you in the room. So asking yourself, do people want to work for me? Do people want to work for me? Do I know a lot about the business? Do I energize the team when I enter the room? Do I know a lot about my specific job title? Am I showing a great example of it? Do they want to work for, they want to become somebody like me. So energize is the ability to get others revved up.

When you walk into the room, do you add energy to that room? That’s my big takeaway. When I see somebody that has the ability to energize others, they walk into the room and they’re like, Hey, how’s it going? Great to see you smile with the rise of teeth, closed the gap, provide physical touch, talk about their personal life, talk about their family life.

Talk about how well they’re doing with work. And that kind of stuff. They just quickly go into the room and make people feel good. So that’s the ability to energize others. They also are generally really good at whatever their job is or their skill level is. And they immediately command control because of the just like, man, he gets stuff done. He energizes the room. I want to learn from him. I want to learn off of that energy that he’s bringing.

So energize is to energize others to rev others up in the room. So first one I said was energy. That’s the ability to, to, to kind of do it for yourself, to, to, to personally master your emotions, to get energy and just to go, go, go all day long to the gyms in Oklahoma City. And the energize is to energize a room to be able to come in and basically inspire a team and get others to take on the impossible.

Those are the first two. Those are the most important. And those are what I talk about. Great leaders need to start with mastering their own emotions to bring energy to themselves. Then they have to learn how to go into a room and energize others. And then the third thing we’re going to talk about is edge. This is where you have the ability. Ed says, having edge means having the courage to make tough yes or no decisions.

Smart people can assess a situation from every angle. But smart people with edge know when to stop assessing, make a tough call even without all the information. So ask yourself, do I know when to make the gut call? Do I know, am I a leader that can make quick yes, no decisions on limited information. Can I have tough conversations with people? And I like a lot.

A lot of times being a great coach, you have to be edgy with your team. I’m not taking them on emotionally hostage, but like really say, Hey guys, this is what we gotta do. I gotta make you got this fact, this fact, this fact, I’m going to make the yes, no decision. We’re going to go this way. Alright, bring it in. Fist bump, move on and make edge call. So that’s a great leader too. You’ve got to be able to have edge and a lot of introverts or people that aren’t real confident, they can’t get very edgy very easily.

So they got to work on that. So energy to break, energized to, to bring energy yourself, energized, energized, others in a room edge, grab some great information, quickly assess it with your team and make quick decisions with limited information. And then the fourth component is execute when you are training at the gyms in Oklahoma City.

Execute. Being able to execute means having the ability to get the job done. It turns out a person can have positive energy, energize everyone around them, make hard calls, and still not get over the finish line. Being able to execute is a unique and distinct skill. It means the person knows how to push decisions into action, push them forward to completion through resistance, through chaos, through unexpected obstacles. People who can execute.

No winning is about results. So asking yourself, do I continually drive results for both personally and for my team? Are you getting it through the check the box done, done, done, done. You have all your action items for the day. Are you checking them off? Done. That’s where you really don’t get a lot done until it’s actually done. I don’t need a story on how you couldn’t get it done. I need it done.

That’s where great leaders get them, their team that make the checklist to build the workflows, hold them accountable and do X and actually execute on all action items on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis on all of those different types of workflows. Execute gets them and their teams to get stuff done. So energy is energy for yourself. Energize is energizing others in the room edge. Having those tough call, this tough yes, no decisions on limited information.

You can do that quickly and coaching up people without taking them emotionally hostage. Execute, getting all your action item done, action items, done, all your team’s action items done. And keeping everybody on the workflows and checklists all the time. And that’s just getting your crap done on a regular basis. And then the last thing is that those are the four E’s. The last thing is the P.

And that’s passion. People with passion have a heartfelt, deep, authentic excitement about work. They care, really care in their bones about their colleagues, about their employees and their friends. They love to learn. They love to grow. They love to be coached up. They love to get feedback. They get a huge kick out of people around them doing the same. Ask yourself, do I bring intent, enthusiasm towards all aspects of my life?

Am I a passionate person? Passionate about work, passionate about personal life, passionate about others. People that are passionate, draw others to them. They’re authentic. They care, they want to win. They love life. They love others. That is whatever you put out, you bring about passionate people, draw passion out of other people. And great leaders are passionate, passionate about what they’re doing, passionate about. Fitness friendships, fashion about fun, precious about making Jesus famous and changing lives.

That’s what our mission statement is. They’re just passionate about whatever they’re doing. So that is a huge component. So the four E’s and a P framework isn’t just a valuable tool for managers looking to evaluate a member of their team or for themselves. It’s to assess their own style of leadership. The framework can and should be used by candidates seeking positions within an organization. So you want to look at this, analyze yourself.

Think, think about the things you can work on, be coached up on. Really got to get energy. If you’re not a high energy person, you’re not going to be a great leader. You’ve got to have high energy and be able to do that for yourself. Okay? If you can’t wake up and slap a smile on your face and bring energy to yourself, you can’t master your emotions and your own emotions take you hostage every day.

And you and you have bad days just based upon you know your emotions, you know, taking executive control over. You can’t do that. You’ve gotta be able to do that for yourself. So you gotta be, you gotta have a lot of energy, energy for yourself. Then you got to get to work and energize others. Energize your team, have your team be able to feel like with you. They can take on the impossible being around you. They love it because they feel good about it.

So you gotta be energy for yourself. Energize your team, energize others around you. You gotta have edge. Make tough calls and limited information. You gotta be a smart person. You’ve got to understand your industry, you’ve got to then execute you and your team’s action items on a regular basis. And you got to have gobs and gobs of passion about what you’re doing about them, about their families, about their own personal life, about work.

Just a passionate, caring person. That type of stuff makes great leaders. That’s what Jack Welch used to grow general electric by 4000% be the top CEO probably of all time and get people to authentically follow great leaders. So this is his framework to wrap words around some of the components he has seen and built to make a basically the framework he needed to use to get these people to get stuff done and get it done well and to build great teams.

Not just great teams but great teams of leaders. And that’s what we want to do at Colaw Fitness is not just have great teams, a great leaders at the top and have great leaders all the way down. And as they learn and develop, they grow into more leadership positions and they find their next capable Lieutenant underneath the, basically they’re finding their next replacement so they can move up to a better position and basically coach more people up.

So that is the four E’s and a P, the Jack Welch for ease and peace. So the calls to action are ask yourself, what areas do you need to work on? Do you need to work on energy? Do you need to work on energize? Do you need to work on edge? Do you need to work on executing your action items? Do you need to work on passion, God’s given passion? So start with tons of energy for yourself and others. Start with tons of energy that you can bring to your team and your environment at work. Be a positive person.

One thing I’ve learned is positive attitude. The I can the, I got it when nobody else was standing in a room. And so he’s like, Hey, we got to get this done. You’re the first one that raises your hand. I got it, I got it.

I’ll take it. I’ll take that shift. I’ll do the extra thing I’ll do, I’ll clean the bathrooms, I’ll come on late, I’ll do a night shift. That positive, I can’t, I an attitude is the beginning of true leadership. Be the first to take the tough tasks with a positive attitude. By doing that, you’re showing them that you are, you are the Kandoo guy and over a course of time you’re going to be pushed to the highest position because that is what great leaders do.

They love working. They love helping, they love managing. They love bringing energy to a team. They love getting action items done. They love being coached up. They love being coached at. One thing I’ve learned is like certain people that don’t like, like basically you know, being coached up, they, they, they like, they push back on that like, Hey, how can I get better when training at the gyms in Oklahoma City?

They don’t ever ask those questions, but the person that’s the gray I want to work can give me more, give me more, give me more. That is the person always turns into being the, the, the, the CEO of a company or a position, or they become the CPS chief problem solver of that department, which lands them in the best position with the best pay. Maybe not at first, but people see that management sees that eventually. It’s the, the, the law of attraction.

You attract the highest and best position because your actions show that. So this is a great proverb. I love. Proverbs is written by King Solomon. One of the most successful, wealthiest person of all time. It’s comes from the Bible. He says, whoever loves discipline, loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof and feedback is stupid. So if you aren’t looking to be coached up, if you aren’t looking to become a great leader and you’re not going to learn these four words in a piece, you’re going to find a ceiling and you’re not going to get further.

So I highly encourage you to work on the four A’s and a P and to become a great leader. Thanks for listening to the, you can do this podcast with Charles and Amber Colaw with Colaw fitness. Have a blessed day. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. Bye and see you soon at the gyms in Oklahoma City.