A calorie is not just a calorie | Episode 5

On today’s episode we will discuss why a calorie is not just a calorie.

Welcome to the, you can do this podcast with Charles Colaw on the daily podcast that provides you with the proven idiot proof path to fat loss and total body transformation. Get ready because you’re about to enter the you can do this podcast.

Hello, this is the Charles and Amber Colaw podcast and today I’m going to talk to you about a calorie is not just a calorie at Arlington gyms, so a lot of times you have books that will talk about a calorie is a calorie, whether it’s a fat, a protein, or a carbohydrate. A, I am going to push against that. I have worked with over 5,000 clients in multiple States and I, we have tons and tons of stories. If you go to YouTube and you type in Colaw fitness reviews, you’ll see tons and tons of clients in multiple States that we’ve worked with.

Following a, not a calorie is a calorie diet, but more of a certain types of calories affect your hormones and help your body force your body to lose its own fat as an energy substrate. So certain calories actually work differently than just like a carb. It works differently than, than a protein.

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And a fat works differently than a carbohydrate in the body. So a calorie is not just a calorie. And today I’m gonna talk to you about that on the Charles and Amber podcast. First off, to start off, I was a kid that was thin and was wanting to put on size and get bigger and stronger and I would eat a lot of high protein foods and not really gain very much weight. And so I had a coach that taught me how to, to drink these shakes.

It was actually, he called it a Vince it shake, his name was Brad Vincent. And it compiled a whole lot of carbohydrates and sugar in combination with some proteins, but I was already eating tons and tons of calories of high protein foods. But he talked about how the carbohydrates and the sugars would spike insulin and shuttle those nutrients into your cells.

So my story starts off when I was about 155 pounds in 10th grade, ninth, 10th grade. And in a year I went from about one 55 to 265 so over 100 pounds I gained by combining a lot of extra carbohydrates and sugars primarily in the diet and everything started to really stick. See, the thing is is I I, protein and, and fat does not absorb in the body as quickly and sugars permeate into the body quickly in store by raising a hormone called insulin. Insulin is a transport hormone. So my story is about me gaining weight not going to Arlington gyms.

And then once I gained that weight, I eventually ended up at three Oh three and I felt really fat and was not feeling comfortable my own skin. And so I basically did the opposite. I removed the starches and sugars, still ate 4,000 calories a day and worked out at Arlington gyms just like I did to gain the weight, but mainly just allocated that into slower to absorb high protein and high fibers, base carbohydrates and all of the fat and melted away.

In about nine months, I’ve lost 83 pounds going from three Oh three to two 20 and winning a bodybuilding show and the NPC, Oklahoma, Texas bodybuilding show, I got second and teen and fourth and men’s. And that was in the early two thousands. So today I’m going to talk to you about a calorie is not just a calorie.

Um, one of the things is I ran into a book that has probably been one of the pivotal books that has really pushed the low carb diets, really pushed the ketogenic approach that is really popular now. When I first got into fitness and training, I’ve got eight national certifications and training. And with training, all of these companies I’d go to would promote like the vast majority of all your calories is going to be [inaudible] and starch carbohydrates. And I knew that that would never work for me.

I’ve also trained a lot of clients and I knew that those foods, even though are restricted, held onto the subcutaneous body fat more than others. So sometimes they lose some food, even in some some weight in a starvation method, but they really hung onto the stubborn body fat on their body. Even when I clerically restricted them and half starved state, they still stayed at like an ooey gooey but smaller version of themselves. It wasn’t until I implemented the higher protein, high fiber base carbohydrates, which are vegetable-based carbohydrates that have next to no insulinogenic effect.

That’s insulin effect. Did these people, those foods digest slow. Your body has to Ricardo to process a protein or a fiber. It doesn’t fully break down very quickly and so your body actually has to work harder. It creates different hormonal responses in the body with proteins and high fiber based foods to basically stimulate your metabolism more, to grow more, to lose weight.

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So the book that I ran into was written by Gary Taubes. He’s a research journalist and his book is very, very in depth. Most guys who’ve got a doctorate degree would find it heavy to to read through. This guy has been a writer for the New York times and a lot of major companies. And so Gary Taubes, he researched the history of weight gain and obesity in society and he compensated tons and tons and tons of research that has some great takeaways on how the refined based carbohydrate is the primary cause of most disease, obesity and lots of other factors.

And so after really trying to difficultly push through all of that stuff and reading these studies and then applying them into myself and also a clients over the last 15 years, I’ve noticed that these principles really hold true. Um, and a lot of them have great, uh, studies on it, like really in depth studies from university and everything that, that, that back a lot of that.

And I highly suggest if you’re very, very, uh, uh, against this or anything I’m saying, get the book good calories, bad calories by Gary Taubes, research his material, you can back it up, look for the facts, fact check it. Uh, but there’s, he doesn’t really tell you what to eat or what exactly it is, but they’re so obvious as some of these takeaways say that yes, for sure. The for fine based carbohydrates is a big cause of obesity.

That’s kind of your takeaway you get from the book and a lot of the diseases that are in the American diet nowadays. So, um, so basically my story is I ended up getting up to 303 pounds in high school and um, I was eating about four of 5,000 calories a day as a large weight lifter football player Arlington gyms goer, but I also had about 27 to 32 ish percent body fat at three Oh three, so was overweight to obese category.

And in nine months I lost 83 pounds, um, by following these principles, still eating about around the same amount of calories the whole time, um, but just high protein, high fiber and actually some healthy fats throughout that diet. And the primary thing I took out was all of the every refined carbohydrate, all fruit and um, only ate high fiber vegetables.

During that course of time, it just fell off at a tremendous rate and actually got to where, you know, I have like five or six inches of a belly roll all the way down to like paper thin and winning a bodybuilding show, um, in nine months. And I pressed so many people around me, people would ask me questions and that kind of really what help build my training business was all of that. Um, uh, the proof in me actually losing the weight and getting in shape.

So anyways, my takeaway on a lot of this stuff is you’ve got to get some of this material research for yourself and so that you can, um, you know, it’s good to see that, um, so that you can actually believe it down deep. I’m always a pessimistic person until I actually find out the facts and try it myself. And so I tried it. It does work, like Arlington gyms.

Um, I’ve also done like one-to-one ratios of carbohydrates and proteins and done shows and those work pretty well too. But I definitely think the more you reduce carbohydrate, the more it forces that ketogenic response to pull your body’s own fat from the adipose cells or fat cells and you’ll lose fat faster. The harder you can stand that push. And you know, dieting is tough. It’s a difficult thing and a ketogenic process doesn’t always feel good on the brain.

Low blood glucose makes you feel irritable. And so, um, all I’m trying to say is it’s not for everybody, but I do think it is a really good method to working. And I’m, I’ve done this with a ton of clients. Um, I have actually produced a, a, an easier version of this to follow, which is like a ketogenic high protein, lower carb approach.

It’s not as much of a high fat approach, but it is a lower end carbohydrate, only high fiber-based carbohydrates with lean quality proteins. And that is what I’ve used in a lot of my clients have used over the years to become a leaner, more muscular toned version of themselves instead of a smaller just weight loss, half starved Lee gooey version of themselves. And so I came up with a call a C 30. It’s the Cola fitness 30 day idiot proof, super simple to follow program.

And um, I’ve had people push back on that and say it’s not a real program, not really good. Or if I had people like I’m this certain trainer or whatever, well I’ve got eight national certifications, I’ve got an MBA, I was a self made millionaire in my twenties through fitness training and I’ll have guys that will push back on this stuff and they might have one certification and maybe a handful of clients that they can barely pay their bills on Arlington gyms. So look at your source.

You are comes from, and I’m telling you, if you follow the [inaudible] journal, it’s so simple, it’s insane and you follow it, you will lose a ton of weight. You will get in great shape and it’s actually super easy to follow continuously because it’s really not that difficult. The workouts aren’t that difficult. The diet is not that difficult, but a lot of people in fitness want to make it more difficult because they have a ho they have a hard time with actually sticking to a plan themselves.

So they think the next, you know, fad diet or fad training program or some sort of high intensity thing because they lack the discipline to actually stick with something for more than four weeks in a row, um, is the key and it’s not, then generally it’s a program compliance and that they can’t stick to the plan consistently.

So follow the CF-30. It’s a great accountability journal. That’s the biggest thing. Like a good trainer is a good motivator. And what I wanted to do, that book has motivation, has scripture, has things that keep your mind on track and it’s a very simple workout and diet that you can do and sustain for the rest of your life and you’ll stay lean fit and um, you’ll feel a whole lot better. That’s a CF 30 Cola fitness 30 day journal and you get those free in all of our gems.

Um, Cola Cola fitness. Um, we’ve got them in multiple States and you can go in there, sign up for the CF 30 diet and workout program. They’ll give you all the templates for that. You can actually buy a really simple journal to take with you. It’s got all the workouts in it ever a day to day journal to write in, super simple to follow, super successful the training to show you how to use the exercises and to follow the plan.

That part is free. So highly suggest that. Um, so social proof, I highly, I want you guys to look up our reviews. Type in Cola fitness reviews. You can read through all of our reviews specifically on YouTube. You’ll see real people that are just like yourself in there. Real people. Go to go to YouTube, type in Cola fitness reviews and you’ll see lots of people that have lost 50 120 pounds, 70 pounds, 30 pounds, Cola fitness, SIA 30.

I lost 50 pounds in Arlington gyms. And they talk about at the talk about the culture, they talk about the program, they talk about their weight loss, they talk about the atmosphere. So it’s a great things, but go to Cola fitness reviews on YouTube and you can watch those videos. Also, we’ve got some videos of winter, the weeks, certain clients that are following that program doing tremendously well. So I suggest watching the wind of the weeks.

I’ve got some fitness tips that I do every week, so look at that too. Um, but uh, go though. So the action step for all of this is go get the journal and follow the CF 30 program telling you if you want to get better and get leaner, more toned and have a simple program to follow that is sustainable for the rest of your life. Get the 30 journal, start following it, meet with the free trainer, they’ll tell you how to cook it, shop, but get all the food items, how to get started.

And you can also email me at CF. It has an email on there, [inaudible] trainer.com. You can go in there and email me directly on that. Uh, in that journal there’s actually a link to, to email me questions and I can answer questions. And I do that generally on the podcast or the video podcast. But anyways, today I wanted to talk to you about a calorie is not just a calorie, um, proteins and carbohydrates and fats respond differently to hormonal and metabolic responses in the body. And it’s very, very proven. Gary Taubes has a ton of research in there.

They used are like lab rats, certain rats with certain types of metabolisms you can over over feed them like crazy and they stay about the same weight. And certain people, if you take like these lab rats that are, have got these certain issues in, you overfeed them, they’ll, they’ll even if you starve them, they’ll still stay.

Their body fat still stays fairly high. But when you put them on a program where the calories stimulate certain metabolic responses, thermogenic responses, your body actually can lose more weight even if genetically, you know, you aren’t as prone to be as lean. So, um, but yeah, genetics play a role, but the foods that you eat can stimulate and tap into more fat loss than just calorie restriction. So calories, not just a calorie. What you eat is important. Certain foods actually help build, maintain, and stimulate metabolism more than other calories.

And so you can be extremely successful and have a body in a shape that’s been better than your, their genetics naturally are by just eating the right types of food and timing the workouts correctly and all that stuff. So we have that. Check out the CF-30 journals. This is Charles and Amber Colaw was a Colaw Fitness podcast. You guys have a blessed day and we guys, we’ll talk to you guys soon. Bye. Bye.