How to stick to a diet and nutrition program | Episode 2

How to stick to a diet and nutrition program. Welcome to the, you can do this podcast with Charles Colaw, the daily podcast that provides you with the proven idiot proof path to fat loss and total body transformation. Get ready because you’re about to enter the You can do this podcast.

Oh, this is the Charles and Amber Colaw podcast today. I’m going to connect with you on an awesome topic. I was talking to a guy in the Arlington gyms yesterday and uh, he, uh, he was basically, uh, talking about how well he was doing following this diet plan. He’d lost, got down to 160 pounds. He felt, felt the tremors and best he’s ever felt. And uh, you talked about how it was easy to follow when he was on it, but then once he hit his goal, it’s really hard to kind of stick with it after that.

Cause it’s like, okay, now that I’ve reached my goal now that I can back off and relax and certain joys, some of these other foods again. And he talked about how like his, he just had a hard time. Um, uh, staying on a plan, sticking with the plan. And I’m going to talk about some key takeaways to be successful.

So today’s podcast is how to stick with, uh, the plan, how to stick with the diet plan. Um, and so today on how to stick with a diet, I’m going to tell you, um, you guys can all be successful in following a diet and workout program at Arlington gyms. Um, there’s some key things that people do that, that caused them to fail. And, uh, and through the course of, Oh gosh, last 15 years, uh, Amber and I have worked with over 5,000 clients as far as in losing weight and tell you that the body and, uh, integrating a good nutrition plan into their program.

And, um, it’s hard to change certain people’s habits within just like a one minute talk or a 10 minute talk or, or, or, you know, they have 40 years of habits. It’s hard to, hard to make those changes and get habits, uh, that, uh, uh, when they, they, they’re up and down in the day, they, they, they flip back to their old protocol or they have lack of planning.

So the, the key things. So why do people fail on the plan? Well, number one, um, failing to make a plan is the first thing. Um, in our program, the [inaudible] diet program that we give, we have a journal app that goes along with that. We talk about how failing to plan is planning to fail. And so if you don’t make a game plan the night before prep and plan your food the night before, when you’re starting into your fitness journey, um, time’s gonna start passing. You’re gonna wake up in the morning, you’re going to probably be a couple of minutes behind, schedule on something.

You’re gonna be rushing around and rushing out the door. But if you don’t have all your stuff premade and ready to go, and exactly the portions and exactly what you’re wanting to accomplish preset, um, it’s tough. So what would you want to do is have a mind freeing plan that you’ve designed so that when you wake up and put your feet on the floor, your, uh, you’re just basically executing your pre written, predesigned premade or a food plan.

How to stick to a diet and nutrition program

And that’s where I always would say over and over and over again in the nutritional consults that I would do with clients is failing to plan, is planning to fail. Failing to plan is planning to fail. So we gotta make sure that when you go to bed, before you go to bed, you’ve spent, you got 10 minutes before you go to bed and you’ve got all your stuff ready to go. You’ve verified that it’s in your little container satchel little six pack system or a little bag that you can literally wake up in the morning, get ready, grab your stuff, head out the door, and you’re ready to go and execute for like a 12 hour work day or 10 hour Workday so that you’re not making a poor decision. So first one is making sure you’re, you’re, you’re not, you’re not failing to plan.

So make sure the night before you plan your food, your meals, and you make them the night before. Okay? A second thing is you’re not journaling things. A lot of people will follow a plan and they’re not actually holding themselves accountable. And so they don’t keep an active journal and a log and they don’t write down every single thing that they’re eating and that has caloric value. So they’re kind of saying, I’m eating good, but they’re not really tracking it.

And when I would train clients at Arlington gyms every single time they came in, I spent five minutes before we even touch the workout to make sure that we’ve gone through every meal and they know exactly what they’re eating, what time they’re eating, how much water they’re drinking, everything is recorded and held accountable to every single day. And at first people think this is ridiculous, but you’d be surprised on how many people end up taking bites of things and eating things and on the go and grabbing things that completely derail their program.

So we’ve got to be journaling it and we have to have accountability on it. Um, so no journal is number two. Number three, this is the reason I was talking to this guy last night. He was super serious about getting results. He was very, he would force himself to under like over restricting his diet to try to only eat um, foods that uh, have like lower in carbohydrates. And he was very, very, and he would eat a small amounts of them and he’d work out extremely hard. So under eating is this next one. How to stick to a diet and nutrition program.

A lot of people are on their programs and they actually are eating in such a caloric deficit that they want results so bad and then they work out so hard in their Arlington gyms, it causes a feedback response that is just so hard to hold back on. So you’re setting yourself up to fail, so you over restrict you, Oh you overexercise and then about six to eight hours, your body has the Geiken hormones of hunger in the brain.

The pressure sensors and deserted receptors in the stomach aren’t satisfied. All of these things are feedback tools that we have naturally are inside ourselves to want us to, to eat and they end up bingeing on something you end up having, wanting so much. And what I do with our diets and our programs is I actually give people no set limit to certain types of foods like meat and vegetables and protein shakes and water when they’re eating those foods to chew, swallow, digest, a lean protein and a high cellulose base vegetable that it breaks down.

So slowly in the bottle body, it’s physically impossible to get fat off of. You cannot say, Oh, I got so fat off of eating that extra chicken breast or three extra chicken breasts. It’s so hard to digest. Um, and turn that into blood glucose response. Insulin to be secreted from a protein response and to shuttle into adipose cells, fat cells.

It does not occur fast enough. So what I’m trying to say is, I use this example. If you were to take like a sugar cube, like a square sugar cube, and place that between your cheek and gum and let it sit there, it’ll dissolve in a matter of minutes without chewing, swallowing, or, and, and your stomach digesting it. You can actually prick your finger with a glucometer through the Buco membranes in your mouth and your body’s absorbing that sugar through those Buechele membranes under your tongue and in your mouth.

And you can actually see your blood sugar rising within just a few minutes, not even swallowing just through the absorption of your skin in your mouth. So absorption of calories, that little square sugar cube is about Oh five grams of unit volume weight and 20 calories. It’ll absorb in the body without chewing, swallowing, or digestion. And it effortlessly then also increases the blood glucose cause the blood sugar is rising, insulin is secreted and if you’re not calling for energy expenditures, going to mainly shuttle that into adipose or fat cells.

And so we want to make sure that you can be successful in a program at Arlington gyms. So there’s high fast to absorb foods like that, that square at five grams, 20 calories, sugar cube. If you were to take that same thing and like a boneless skinless chicken breast and that’s like a little square chunk of chicken, like it’s the on a salad or something, it’s five grams.

That unit volume weight, it’s also 20 calories, but you place that between your cheek and gum and let it sit there 20 minutes later sitting there, you prick your finger, it’ll never absorb that. The bugle membranes, protein based foods, you’re going to have to physically chew, swallow stomach acids. We’ll have to digest it. You don’t have to break down the silly and the intestinal track will slowly absorb the nutrients, carry it through the liver. And then, uh, through glycolysis.

Conversion of amino acids into glucose takes anywhere from six to 16 hours. So it’s physically impossible. It takes so long to chew, swallow, digest, certain foods, you can’t get fat off of it. Even though the same size, the same calories, the same unit volume, weight, certain foods do not trigger an insolence and response. Do not create your body’s ability to store fat readily. So it’s the same calories, same amount of grams, same type of food, same, same food, a caloric value, but a totally different pathway for absorptions through just regular metabolic function of sitting there.

It’s physically impossible to get fat off of like a hard high protein rich foods. So I tell people what we’re going to do is just eat more of high fiber and high protein rich foods and that’s going to make the pressure receptors and density receptors in your stomach feel great and you’re going to do very, very well, um, on your program and you’re not going to derail.

So a lot of people will say, Oh, I’m eating and I’m not going to lose as much. A lot of girls will say like, they’ll just try to really under eat and then what happens is they get Cravey, they get sugar cravings cause what happens, your body craves high glucose responsive foods the most, especially when you’re over restricting. Since Rio, the reason why people are girls and women have such sweet cravings and they screwed up.

So done this for many, many, many years. I just tell people we’re gonna eat unlimited meat and vegetables, protein shakes and water hole and fill yourself up or you’re satisfied to do, give them a target. But if we hold, I’ll try to restrict them. They generally derail themselves pretty quick and then blow it and end up, you know, just going all over the kitchen and trying to eat a bunch of junk.

Where are they going out with friends and say, heck with this fruit food program. So under eating is a major issue. So goal, you know, meat, vegetables and those types of lean options digest. Slow the rate of absorption so slow, they’ll help with your pressure receptors and [inaudible] receptors and it still allows your body to mobilize, um, uh, fat in the body so you can still lose fat. And, uh, so next is no accountability.

Like you aren’t having any real strict accountability. It’s like I’m, nobody in your life is giving you candor, direct candor. Most people can’t take it. That’s, I call it uncoachable or an coachability. So no accountability and, and coachability is this a next action item? And that’s where you’ve got to have somebody in your life who shoots you straight and keeps you on track. And that’s what I did a lot with people.

Um, and they would give me the reins and when w they would, they’d finally become successful and be coachable, we would get somewhere. But the lack of every person and whether it’s professional life, personal life, um, fitness journey, it’s your coachability, your willingness to take constructive criticism from Arlington gyms. I talk about that with our leadership team and our business. How to stick to a diet and nutrition program information.

And so we’ve got to constantly be looking for accountability, having, um, some in your lives that gives us feedback with direct candor that cares. And so we got to have that. Um, and so when you put all that together, you’re getting your food plan the night before you’re journaling stuff, you’re Oxo eating enough that you stay satisfied at all times and you’re providing good, strict accountability with candor and care, you’re going to start seeing some awesome results. Well, all of this is say you don’t have to create it.

We’ve already done it for you in our free CF 30 diet program. This is CF 30 colon fitness, 30 day diet program. You can get those free at our, each one of our gyms. We’ve got a free trainer that teaches it. It gives you exactly what to eat, what times you deed, how much water to drink, how to eat the food, how to plan the food, how to go shopping for the food, and then making sure that you can actually follow the workout plan. All of that is free. We get criticized. I’ve worked with over 5,000 clients. I’ve got a master’s levels degree and um, uh, and, and college and um, a multimillionaire and fitness self-made. And I’ll have traders like, well, that’s just a cookie cutter program. Well, I’m telling you, it works and it works really well. I suggest to not believe me.

I suggest to just completely think I’m completely wrong and go see it for yourself. Go to colo fitness, YouTube page, colon fitness, YouTube, and look at Cola fitness reviews. Type in Cola fitness reviews in YouTube and just watch the thousands of videos or hundreds of videos in there all across several different States of people losing weight, getting in great shape, falling. They see a 30, uh, to plans and you too can be successful.

It’s an idiot proof journal. Simple to follow has a scorecard at the end. You can grade yourself on daily basis. It takes less than five minutes to fill out and actually has the workouts in the journal, so go get the CF 30 plan. But that’s today’s topic with how to stick with a diet so that you too can be successful. And this guy that I talked to, he now has super excited because he’s got a mind frame document that can help him be successful. Just sticking with the plan. This is Charles and Amber on the, you can do this podcast to have a blessed day. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye bye.